How are you staying resilient?

Home Forums Resilience How are you staying resilient?

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    • #2416 Reply
      Katie Priest

      Please take advantage of this space! Let’s engage in discussion revolving around resilience beyond the Sunday Morning Cafe’s weekly videos and articles.

    • #2439 Reply
      Dr. Tom Wagner

      Staying resilient during the age of covid has been challenging at times. With that said, I’ve been skateboarding and playing guitar a lot more often and have had fun watching myself get better! It has also given me time to focus more on my school work. I look forward to when we can all enjoy the thrills of life that have been taken away by covid.

    • #2454 Reply

      Hi Noah! Thank you so much for sharing. I love that you’ve been engaging in an outdoor cardio activity that brings you so much joy. I wonder if you got a chance to see Dr. Tom’s “How Did You Play When You Were a Child” video? Seems like you’re certainly investing in your resilient present and future with skateboarding!

    • #2572 Reply
      Puppy brains

      I am trying to stay engaged by participating in book clubs, practicing in the choir, going on short vacations with family, attending mass (while social distancing), and keeping a consistent wake-up routine. I read Dr. Tom’s article about being comfortable with our puppy brains. That’s something that I struggled with during the pandemic because of the Work from Home (WFH) situation. It is easy to be distracted at home because you work and study where you usually have breakfast (meals) or sleep (bedroom). But I hope to see improvements with mindfulness, see the thought and let it go, practice acceptance, non-judgmental attitude.

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